The aim of the club is to promote safe and sustainable fell running in and around the West Midlands.  Legacy Site

Ragleth Inn fell race

Ragleth Inn fell race
Just a short note to say sorry some of you went wrong in the Callow Hollow valley. We’ll flag it next year! I hope you all enjoyed it! 99 runners (including the Juniors) - a great turn out! One poor person gashed her knee just before the finish, that we bandaged and sent to Minor Injuries.
From race proceeds we will be giving a further donation to Birmingham Children’s Hospital Cancer Charity, The friends of Church Stretton Medical Centre (at the request of the field owner that kindly let us park in it), and the South Shropshire Conservation Trust.
Mercia would like to thank Church Stretton’s Outdoor Depot, in conjunction with Rab for their generosity in sponsoring the Shropshire fell running series again.
A BIG Thank you goes to Dave Nichols, Amy Aldridge, Adele Parker, Janice Curtis, Justin Sherra, Andy Davies, Charlotte White, John Luck, Phil Wilkinson, and Colin Lancaster who volunteered to do Timing, Registration and Marshalling. Thanks also to Jenny Hartley for sweeping, Dave Farrow and Matt Rawlinson for doing the Junior races.
This was the minimum number of volunteers needed to let this race go ahead safely. I had to approach several people directly to ask them to help as we were short of help. Without volunteers race’s won’t happen ! So please everyone participating- we need you ALL to volunteer occasionally in future races!

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Mercia Fell Runners