Facebook Policy
Mercia Fell Runners Face Book Policy
This group is for Mercia members only.
Social Media brings significant benefits to the club. However, it is important that members use social media in a way that enhances our group. A misjudged status update can generate offence and bad feeling
This policy applies to all members. To ensure our Facebook presence is an apt representation of the club, the page will be monitored regularly and will be upheld by the admins and moderators of the group.
Online behaviour should reflect the same standards as those used for face-to-face communications. Be thoughtful and polite: many social media users have got into trouble simply by failing to observe basic good manners online. On occasions things transmitted with one sentiment can be received with another causing upset and offence – please think and check before posting (emojis are a very useful tool!!)
Please don’t escalate things. It is easy to post a quick response to a contentious post then regret it, take the time to think before responding and if in any doubt at all don’t respond. Unless feedback is requested, please do not use this space to make comment or judgements on the voluntary efforts of individuals who are contributing their own time to what we do and who we are.
Any inappropriate comments or posts will be removed.