The aim of the club is to promote safe and sustainable fell running in and around the West Midlands.  Legacy Site

Stiperstones report

The Stiperstones race is characterised by the whole of the first half of it being up hill! The course has a bog to cross, a fallen tree to duck under, and lots of narrow loose stones mountain paths. It also benefits from such an epic start/ finish area in the Snailbeach mine area.
For the evening, the rain cleared - the course was marked minutes before people started arriving - and we JUST got enough marshals to safely run the event. But at the end - there were lots of exhausted but happy faces! So well worth all the hard work. The first 5 men beat last year's record, and the first 2 ladies beat theirs! Fabulous running by all.
Junior races were organised here for the first time, U9, U11, U13 & U15 with 1,2,3 and 4km distances for each age. 14 took part, all with great enthusiasm!
We unfortunately had one lady runner with a nasty knee gash. I hope it heals quickly. The other mishap was our using the football clubs field when the farmer had not yet had his hay cropped off it. The cars trampled his grass. We said sorry lots of times and have hopefully resolved things.

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