The aim of the club is to promote safe and sustainable fell running in and around the West Midlands.  Legacy Site

Officers and Committee Members

Append to the Contact column below to form the full email address for the Role.

Role Contact Name Telephone
President president Richard Day 07775 600 155

Committee committee
Calogero Farruggio 07896 473 343
Deb Millington 07970 465 112
Dave Farrow 07964 991 777
Dave Nichols 07850 654 157
Tim Parker 07493 659 514
Huw Davies 07791 649 115
Chairman chairman Dominic Jones 07736 039 226
Treasurer treasurer Janice Curtis 07974 205 777
Membership Secretary membership.secretary Jude Dowdall 07790 500 361
Club Secretary club.secretary John Atyeo 07947 358 294
Social Secretary social.secretary Vacant
Mens Team Manager mens.captain Vacant
Ladies Team Manager ladies.captain Vacant
Juniors juniors


Coaching Co-Ordinator coaching James Dowdall 07429 345 824
First-Aid Co-Ordinator firstaid Vacant
FRA Club Ambassador ambassador Vacant
Safeguarding Officer safeguarding.officer Vacant
MV40 team manager mens.captain Dominic Jones 07736 039 226
MV50 team manager mens.captain John Atyeo 07947 358 294
Championship co-ordinator champs John Atyeo 07947 358 294

Newsletter Editor newsletter Vacant
IT Officer webmaster Dave Nichols 07850 654 157

Mercia Fell Runners